Avyakt BapDada 19th April 1973
Do you consider yourselves to be the most elevated, multi-million-times fortunate souls, who are close to BapDada? You easily and naturally develop the virtues of those you remain close to. This is why it is said that you are definitely coloured by the company you keep. So you souls who remain constantly close to BapDada - that is, in his elevated company - must definitely have virtues and sanskars similar to those of BapDada.
Do you children - who constantly stay in the elevated company - experience yourselves to be constantly coloured by that colour of spirituality? Do you constantly consider yourselves to be the souls who are constantly coloured by that spiritual colour? Just as a physical colour is clearly visible, in the same way, the colour of Maya cannot remain hidden in those who remain in bad company. Tell me - it is visible, is it not? (“Yes”) . Then the spiritual colour of those who remain in the elevated company should also be visible to everyone. Anyone who sees you should feel that that soul is coloured by the colour of spirituality.
Does everyone come to know of this now, or is it still incognito? Is the colour of spirituality to remain incognito? When will it be revealed? Will it be revealed at the end? What is the date of this? The final date depends on the revelation of everyone. According to the drama plan, repentance is connected with you elevated souls. As long as souls have not had repentance, they cannot claim the inheritance of going to the land of liberation. This is why the instrument souls will be asked.
Who are the instruments? All of you are those, are you not? If your perfect stage is not revealed to your own self, how will it be revealed to others? Can you see your perfect stage as elevated? In fact, you all know of the perfect stage in terms of knowledge, but what do you consider yourselves to be? In terms of being very close, you will become equal to the same extent, will you not? So, are you able to see your perfect stage?
“Who am I?”: have you not yet solved this riddle? Have you forgotten your complete stage - of what you were a cycle ago? You first of all remind others of the things of 5000 years ago. When people come for the first time, you ask them if they have met you before. Since you remind others of things of the previous cycle, then those who remind others would definitely remember their own selves, would they not? Is the mirror not clear? When a mirror is clear and powerful, you are able to see things clearly as they really are.
Are you - the special, most elevated souls - not able to see your elevated stage? When you instrument souls are able to have a clear vision of your perfect stage - that is, how much delay there is until destruction.. Achcha, tell me, how much time remains until destruction? Will it take place soon, or is there still some time?
Today, it is Thursday, the day of the Satguru. A heart-to-heart conversation took place in the subtle region. What was the heart-to-heart conversation? What is the present stage of the effort-makers, number-wise? What was the result?
In the result for the first question, there weren’t more than 50% who passed. What was the first question? You were told of the importance of this year, and had been given a direction especially to stay on the pilgrimage of remembrance, and - whilst staying in the avyakt stage - to claim blessings. So, at the present time, do you have the attention and stage that you had when you first received the direction at the beginning of the year? Do you now have the spiritual stage, that you experienced through the avyakt atmosphere and spiritual experiences? Is there a difference between your stage (at present) and your experience? Can you not create at each centre an attractive atmosphere - one that even attracts you - whilst doing service? The result for this question was that not even 50% passed.
The result for the second question was 60% which was good. What was that question? The result of zeal for service was very good. However, where is the balance? If you maintain a good balance, you can very quickly become master successful in giving your subjects and devotees bliss, through which they are able to go beyond this world. At present, because your own stage is not that clear, you are not able to hear the call of the devotees that clearly or closely. This is the result for the second question.
The third question is: In connection and relationship with others, to what extent are you yourselves content - and are others content - in the family, and also in service? A centre is also a family. So, to what extent was there contentment in the family and in service? A minority passed in this subject. The majority is just 50%. They are content sometimes and not at other times. Today, they are, and tomorrow, they are not. This is known as “50-50”. The results in the present year for these three questions are now clear, are they not?
You were told earlier that you can claim special blessings in this year. However, you only paid attention during the one month, thinking that month to be the month for receiving blessings. Now, as time goes by, you are gradually forgetting the year of blessings. Therefore, the more you maintain the awareness of receiving blessings, in the year of blessings, the more easily you will attain blessings. But, if you forget this, you will have to face many obstacles.
This is why you must finish the obstacles that come in front of all of the souls of the Brahmin family. Just as, in the first month, you intensified remembrance - that is, the fire of deep love - in the same way, you now have to make the atmosphere avyakt. On the one side there are blessings, and on the other side there are obstacles: each is connected to the other. You must not become a destroyer of obstacles just for yourself, but you have to be co-operative, and destroy the obstacles that come to all souls in your Brahmin clan.
So, now intensify your speed. Whilst moving along, you sometimes slow your speed down, and it therefore seems that revelation will take place that much later in the drama - that only then will you be able to reveal yourself. Experience the form of all the powers in yourself - not just one or two powers, but all the powers. You are master almighty authorities, are you not? Or are you the children of those who only have two or four powers? Reveal the Almighty Authority. Achcha.
To those who are master blissful, master knowledge-full, master successful, the most elevated souls who are constantly coloured by the colour of spiritual company: love, remembrance and namaste.
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